20 Bonkers JFK Conspiracy Theories People Still Believe 50 Years After His Death

12. Joe DiMaggio & Frank Sinatra

Marilyn Now, we tread into the seriously bonkers. Jack Kennedy's indiscretion with Marilyn Monroe is no secret, and Joltin' Joe died believing that JFK had his former love murdered to keep her from talking to the press about anything regarding their brief affair, be it the affair itself or what she learned from the President in that short time. Some theorize that she told Frank Sinatra of Kennedy's crackdown on organized crime, in which he was allegedly knee deep. The theory is that DiMaggio allied with Sinatra, from whom Kennedy had previously distanced himself for his alleged mob ties, to use such mob ties to eliminate Kennedy. Regardless of whether or not this is true (which, let's face it, it's probably not), DiMaggio died before any real evidence of such a conspiracy between him and Ol' Blue Eyes could be found.
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Steve is an unrepentant nerd who enjoys all things Disney, Doctor Who, and Star Trek. He is currently finishing his undergraduate degree in political science at Temple University and divides his time between his homes in Philadelphia and Orlando.