3. The Illuminati
A very common conspiracy theory about JFK that surprisingly does not involve a bullet or a second shooter is that the entire Kennedy clan represents a long line of the enigmatic Illuminati, dating back to the Enlightenment but making its pop culture mark in the infamous bestseller "The Da Vinci Code." The mysterious organization, however, allegedly wasn't too fond of the Kennedy clan and had plenty of reason to have Jack eliminated. Several twists of this theory exist, including a twist on the Federal Reserve theory that stipulates these mystery bankers sitting in a dark room had Kennedy killed to protect the Illuminati's investment in the Federal Reserve which would have allegedly suffered from E.O. 11110's passage. Others say that they weren't too happy with his and Joe Kennedy's alleged ties to the Mafia, and that Kennedy's attempts at a cease fire in Vietnam caused the organization that got him elected, if folklore is to be believed, to turn on him.