20 Celebrities That Look Hilariously Horrifying Without Teeth

11. Selena Gomez

// actresseswithoutteeth.net// actresseswithoutteeth.netStrangely enough, Selena Gomez doesn't look older without teeth. She just looks...different. There's something about her face that makes her look young no matter what you do to it. She just looks like a baby whose teeth haven't grown in yet, but somehow has managed to grow long and luscious hair.

10. Ellen Degeneres

// actresseswithoutteeth.net// actresseswithoutteeth.netIf the name wasn't above the picture, would you really have any idea who this is? Clearly the source of Ellen's powers are her teeth, because without them her demeanour changes dramatically. With teeth she is the most likeable character in daytime television, an amazing award show host, and all around cool lady. Without teeth, she becomes Clint Eastwood a few minutes after shaving.

9. Justin Bieber

// actresseswithoutteeth.net// actresseswithoutteeth.netJustin Bieber gets a lot of unwarranted criticism because...no, just kidding, he's a whiny douchebag who makes terrible music. If you have a young cousin/daughter/niece who idolises him, just show them this picture of grandpa Justin. That should do well to cool their Bieber-fever down substantially.

8. Nicki Minaj

// actresseswithoutteeth.net// actresseswithoutteeth.netAs if Nicki Minaj needed any more help looking less human and more like a toy doll. Take her away her top set of teeth and she charges straight into the uncanny valley, going from a woman who looks oddly plastic to a piece of plastic that has some eerie resemblance to a human face. And those eyes...oh god, those eyes.

7. Jay-Z And Rihanna

actresseswithoutteeth.netSweet Moses, Jay-Z is looking old. We knew that the rapper was pushing 50, but he's just been able to mask it so very well up until now. It's amazing what sunglasses and fitted baseball hats can do to a person. Jay-Z with no teeth looks like he went to high school with Morgan Freeman. Rihanna isn't doing much better in her cameo either.

6. Beyoncé

// actresseswithoutteeth.net// actresseswithoutteeth.netThe Queen is looking like she's a few decades deep into her reign thanks to the magic of photoshop. It could just be a bad picture to begin with, but there's no doubt Beyoncé should plan on hanging on to her teeth - maybe even taking an insurance policy out on them. Without the million dollar smile she looks mildly unsettling.

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