20 Facts That Sound Like Bullsh*t But Are Totally True

6. There Used To Be A Flying Reptile That Was As Tall As A Giraffe.

Holy pterosaur sh*t. This mammoth winged creature, named the 'Quetzalcoatlus' was the size of a giraffe; capable of launching itself into the air and flying for thousands of miles. There's something you don't want colliding with your Delta flight. These hair-raising beasts pole-vaulted over their wings with mighty powerful muscles, that weighed up to 50kg (110lbs) alone. You can sleep well assured that these dragon-like monsters died out 65 million years ago, along with the dinosaurs. They say there are others still out there today, biding their time for the perfect moment to strike.... okay, so maybe that last bit truly is bullsh*t.
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