20 Facts That Sound Like Bullsh*t But Are Totally True

5. More People Are Killed Each Year By Vending Machines Than By Sharks

Sharks get a bad rap for being blood-thirsty predators that are constantly munching on innocent humans, but there's an even bigger danger out there you need to look out for - VENDING MACHINES. This seemingly non-harmful creature, glowing seductively with Snickers and Monster Munch only a touch away, kills more than twice as many people a year than sharks. Bullsh*t? Here's the facts: the yearly risk (in the United States) of dying from a shark attack is around 1 in 250 million. In contrast, the same risk of dying from a vending machine is roughly 1 in 112 million. Remember this, next time you're getting all hot-tempered when that packet of Chewits gets stuck before it hits the collection point. It may just save your life.
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