20 Facts That Sound Like Bullsh*t But Are Totally True

18. Penguins Propose To Their Lovers With A Pebble

Anyone familiar with the classic Marilyn track knows that pebbles are a girl's best friend. Erm, yeah. When a Gentoo penguin falls in love with a female penguin, he frisks the entire beach to find the perfect pebble to his lady's heart. When he finally finds one, he charmingly waddles over and presents the engagement stone to his girl. If she picks it up, it means she's accepted the proposal. For those calling bullsh*t, Edinburgh Zoo's Head Keeper spoke out about these romantic gestures and the results it can have on jealous males in the group:
"Pebble envy is natural Gentoo behaviour, as males compete for their female's affections then we do witness lots of pebble motivated squabbles."
No Best Man, then? It's bloody complex, this marriage business.
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