20 Facts That Sound Like Bullsh*t But Are Totally True

17. Blue-Eyed People Are Actually Mutants.

This is a great insult, and what's more, one you can actually back up with science, because blue eyed humans can all be traced back to one single common ancestor, thought to have originated from the northwest part of the Black Sea region. Originally - we all had brown eyes, and the blue peepers we see today are actually due to a genetic mutation said to have occurred between 6,000 and 10,000 years ago. The mutation affected a gene called OCA2 and "literally 'turned off' the ability to produce brown eyes" according to Prof Hans Eiberg, who studies such genetic changes. The same way skin without melanin turns albino; if OCA2 (containing melanin) was shut off completely in the iris of the eye, brown eyes would dilute to blue. So there you go, aqua-blinkin' beauties - you have your Great Uncle Blue Eyes to thank.
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