20 Incredibly Simple Swaps That Will Change Your LIfe

2. Drink Water Rather Than Soda

Liar Liar Water Gif Okay, so this swap isn't a big tirade against all things soda - anyone who says they manage go throughout life without enjoying even a single, solitary can of pop a day, are probably lying - but it is an effort to try and limit the amount of soda and fizzy drinks you actually ingest. Carbonated pop/soda drinks are chock full of sugars, chemicals and other such chemical elements that do your body little good, if any. However, having one every so often isn't such a bad deal - after all, your body is designed to filter out a lot of these excesses and toxins. Instead, why not try swapping out your drinks for water. Drinking more water has innumerable positives - it helps improve your kidney function, makes your skin glow, helps keep you focused and on task by keeping you well-hydrated, controls your caloric intake, and helps keep you regular. Admittedly you might not look as cool on a day out at the park, but staying healthy, hydrated, and on top of things? You can't put a price on that.
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Leeds native, film fanatic, TV obsessive and relentless pop music fan. Sings off-key at any chance.