20 Jaw-Droppingly Weird Laws That Still Exist In America

2. Ohio - It Is Illegal To Serve Alcohol To Fish

Illinois Dog Cigar

Law's Origin: 1992

Risk of Prosecution: $10,000 fine

Congratulations Ohio, ya'll just weird. In reality this dubious statute probably has roots in important anti-pollution regulation, but how it came to be so seriously misconstrued shows a serious lack of foresight on the part of Ohio's government. 

Fish, who usually weigh 1/1000 of what we do, are such lightweights that they can get drunk off a single drop of liquor. Studies conducted by some seriously bored scientists prove that when fish are drunk they do not fear predators. Feeding fish liquid courage (cough) is like ringing the dinner bell to nearby predators to come wipe them out.

Kind of like smoking cigars with my dog, I was also really looking forward to chugging beers with my goldfish. I'll do my best to move forward with dignity and avoid any drinks like a fish puns... Oh damn it.

Our Rating: If fish can be caught and eaten then they should be allowed to drink whatever they want.


aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/ActionRation