20 Little Known Facts That Will Make You See Famous Actors Differently

19. Nicolas Cage Kept A Pet Octopus To Help His Acting

Now, we all know that Nicolas Cage is a bit of a wild card. With his crazy eyes and inability to say no to terrible, terrible scripts, not to mention that he's the face that launched a thousand memes, it€™s almost no surprise that the man himself has done some weird stuff. Despite his aversion to bees in The Wicker Man, Nic Cage is friend to the animals. With no financial barriers, it only makes sense that a man like him would get a pet octopus. There€™s no doubt that octopuses are extremely cool, and their smarts would make them fascinating pets, provided you could care for them properly. But, oddball as he is, Cage apparently didn€™t get this exotic pet because it was simply pretty awesome. He claimed that it helped him with his acting which is probably is a little far-fetched, though may explain some of his more questionable acting choices. It€™s also worth mentioning that Cage once did mushrooms with his cat, although saying it like that implies that it was a mutual decision. Apparently Cage found his cat had snuck into the fridge and eaten some of the hallucinogens, so figured he€™d better join in. Either way, it might be sensible for the RSPCA to keep an eye on him.

Fan of Taylor Swift and the Dead Kennedys (a duet I can only dream of). I like dystopias, slasher films, and video games that make me feel things.