20 Little Known Facts That Will Make You See Famous Actors Differently

14. Sean Connery Was Offered A Contract For Manchester United

Sean Connery Man Utd Sean Connery has been one of the most iconic Bonds, if just for his distinctive Scottish brogue. He is arguably one of Scotland€™s most treasured actors, having won several high profile awards, and been polled as €œThe Greatest Living Scot€ in 2004. His acting prowess has also led to him being knighted and receiving the Kennedy Center Honors in the US, not to mention that he was polled to be the €œSexiest Man of the Century€ aged 69. Things could€™ve run very differently had Connery followed his other great interest. Aged 18, the young Connery was a bodybuilder, apparently taking third place in a Mr. Universe competition in the 1950s. His passion for sports prevented him from taking it further, as they cause loss of muscle mass. Connery played football for Bonnyrigg Rose when he was young, and whilst touring with South Pacific played a match against a local team where the manager of Manchester United happened to be scouting. He was offered a contract with the team, but turned it down to continue with his pursuit of acting which, in retrospect, was very sensible.

Fan of Taylor Swift and the Dead Kennedys (a duet I can only dream of). I like dystopias, slasher films, and video games that make me feel things.