20 Mind-Blowing Facts About Apple

2. Apple's Most-Expensive Store Is On Fifth Avenue In Manhattan... And Cost £6.7million ($10million) To Build

There are more than 440 Apple retail stores spread across 15 countries worldwide - with the most-expensive built being based on Fifth Avenue, New York. This store cost more than £6.7million ($10million) to build and is the flagship Apple store - while it is also believed to be one of the most-photographed retail buildings on the planet due to the fact customers queue outside waiting to buy the latest products.
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NUFC editor for WhatCulture.com/NUFC. History graduate (University of Edinburgh) and NCTJ-trained journalist. I love sports, hopelessly following Newcastle United and Newcastle Falcons. My pastimes include watching and attending sports matches religiously, reading spy books and sampling ales.