20 Passive Aggressive Notes From Hilariously Outraged Housemates

Students and dwelling-sharers everywhere, this is your place to sound off...

Housemates; they all seem so pleasant, clean and mentally 'together' when you first meet. Even someone you€™ve known personally for years might turn out to be a closet weirdo/psycho/rotting filth-pig once you discover their true domestic habits. Before you know it, accusatory notes are being pinned to the fridge/the toilet/hamster cage. Does it work? Not likely; doubly so if the accused knows the plaintiff could've talked to them one on one, instead choosing the coward's way out with a sneaky character-assassination and no chance to reply. It's an example of passive-aggressive behaviour, an expression of indirect hostility which may incorporates crankiness, narcissism, anxiety or obsessive-compulsiveness. These situations can happen to anyone, so should you find yourself locked in a conflict of caustic-communications penned from behind closed bedroom doors, then read these 20 examples of semi-sane missives and know that you're not alone.

20. The Toilet Tantrum Memo

This is the real reason women want men to put the toilet seat down. It's the fear that their buttocks might be sucked into an aquatic vortex of terror, as depicted by this budding young Rembrandt. I guess 'Kristieee' would have been able to put the toilet seat down herself before using it, but I'm a man so I'd better shut up right now.

19. Scrub Me Baby One More Time

So glad this photo was taken with the lid down. So, so glad. Cleaning of bathrooms and toilets can be one of the commonest sources of argument, as different sides will claim €œI hardly ever use this one. I use the one upstairs/downstairs/over the road" etc. This despite the fact that the sadist architect of your particular abode thought it would be a jolly good idea to ensure the wall between your bedroom and the toilet is paper thin, so that you can hear and identify every nocturnal plop that goes splash in the night. Those kinds of scars don€™t grow over too fast. -->
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