20 Pics To Give You OCD Nightmares

16. You€™re Doing The Dishes Wrong!

This is the sort of display which is likely to get a flatmate a knuckle sandwich. These plates should be spooning each other, there is no need for this blatant display of crockery-based neglect.

15. That Is NOT How You Open Crisps!

The people at the manufacturing factory didn't go through all that time designing that bag full of information, for you to open the thing at the wrong end. What happens if you suddenly need to find out the details of that appetising competition on the back, but reading it will spill your tasty contents all over yourself? Disaster.

14. If You€™re Going To Stack Something, Stack It Right

The worst thing about this is that if you attempted to correct the error, you'd have to lift several heavy cases of beer out the way first. Most people would just buy the beer on top, but not the neurotic amongst us. No, it's up to us to be shooed from a store as we play corrective Tetris.

13. Satan€™s Tiler Had A Friend In The Fashion Industry

Sewing kits at the ready! It doesn't matter that this shirt has buttons, but no buttonholes, it's not the fault of the buttons that the designer was such an unspeakable doofus. That button deserves better, it should at least match its companions, if nothing else but to save it from button-based bullying.
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English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.