20 Pics To Give You OCD Nightmares

8. Whoever Designed This Portrait Is An Evil Mastermind

This straddles the line of amazing and cruel. On the one hand, every OCD type will straighten the picture. On the other, the Tower of Pisa represents mankind's testament to chaos and disorder in architectural form.

7. Life Is All About The Big Dilemmas

Do you attempt to squeeze out less than 0.001% of petrol to round up to $40? Or do you just give up and shake with uncontrollable despair at how unfair life is?

6. Near Victories Just Aren€™t Good Enough

Look at how close you just got, it'd almost be impressive if it wasn't COMPLETELY WRONG! If putting the car in reverse in the style of Ferris Bueller actually worked, you'd be driving to work backwards for that whole 111 miles until order was restored.

5. Even The Places You Go For Support Present A Problem

Satan was here. There's no other explanation for it. We almost want to applaud the effort put in to this slice of evil, but that's how the devil gets in your head, leading to a long road of slight disorganisation. Nightmarish.
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English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.