20 Pics To Give You OCD Nightmares

3. Order Means Everything

Why is the centre on the left? Why is left right of the centre? What do directions even mean any more!?

2. There Are Rules Which Simply Should Not Be Broken

This display of monstrous disregard for what is good and right in the world. CapriSuns are manna from heaven itself, and surely some of the godly goodness of the flavour would be lost by the forsaking of the rules of the straw.

1. Do Not Bring Chaos Into The World!

What's the point of making individual KitKat fingers if you're just going to Blitzkrieg the whole thing in one monstrous bite of your degenerate maw. Repent your sins and apologise to the god of Nestle at once! What else drives you to fits of fury and despair in the world of order and all that is right? Vent your fears in the comments section below.
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English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.