20 Problems Only Bookworms Will Understand

20. Feeling Like A Total Dork

You can tell yourself that there's nothing wrong with reading for pleasure and that everybody would think that Russian literature is cool if they just tried it, but it's hard to live life as a bookworm without feeling like a total dork from time to time. Whether it's because you accidentally call a friend by a character's name or you find yourself wondering what Ned Stark would do in a given situation, sometimes it's best to not be around people. You'd totally go see that movie...but you want to read the book first. You'd love to meet for brunch...but you stayed up all night reading and should probably get some sleep. You'd definitely go out and interact with the world... but you'd have to put on real clothes first. Besides, War and Peace is relevant to current affairs, right? You'd be lame not to stay in and read it.

19. Eating While Reading

Now, bookworms may be able to forgo going out for the night or spending a weekend being productive, but there are aspects of daily life that really can't be overlooked. Bathing, sleeping, coming up with new excuses about why you've become a hermit...some things are just unavoidable, and the avid reader must find ways to multitask. Unfortunately, the classic combination of eating while reading doesn't always work out very well for books long enough to have actual chapters. Curious George? Sure, bring on the tacos. Unless you want Scarlett O'Hara's escape from Atlanta to smell like salsa or to be shaking crumbs out of Captain Ahab's expedition for the rest of your life, however, you'll need to put down the book and take a food break. Although soup through a straw is always an option.

Fiction buff and writer. If it's on Netflix, it's probably in my queue. I've bought DVDs for the special features and usually claim that the book is better than the movie or show (and can provide examples). I've never met a TV show that I won't marathon. Follow on Twitter @lah9891 .