20 Problems Only Brummies Will Understand

4. Southerners Thinking You're Northern

http://cambridge.tab.co.ukhttp://cambridge.tab.co.ukShould you happen to visit the south you will be in for something of a treat. Everyone in the south thinks Brummies are northern. Who knows why their geography is so bad? Or perhaps it's not to do with that, perhaps it has more to do with an innate arrogance held by all southerners that anywhere north of London is officially the north. Ever heard of a map? Birmingham is well and truly in the Midlands. Yes, you might have heard of it, the Midlands is that mythical place that stays well and truly out of the north-south divide, quiet in their smugness that we don't need to get involved in that argument. We are superior to both the north and the south, so you guys can just carry on bickering amongst yourselves.

3. Northerners Thinking You're Southern

London Waterloo Stn Signagegov.co.uk If there's one thing worse than southerners thinking your northern, it has to be northerners thinking your southern. How very dare you? Brummies definitely do not sound like they are southern and yet somehow northerners believe that since they aren't northern 'born and bred' they must be southern. This is quite insulting. There is nothing that Brummies have in common with southerners, if anything we are more inclined to side with the northerners, so grouping us in with that lot really isn't very fair. When will people learn that the midlands exists? It's not all just north and south, you know? What did you think was in between? Thin air? Again, get a map.

2. Trying To Get A Train In Birmingham

TrainSociété LumièreNever mind the new New Street Station being a maze. Have you ever actually tried to get a train in Birmingham? Of course, we have the same national age old problem that no trains run on time, but it's not just that... The people who work at the railway stations in Birmingham hate everyone who comes into contact with them. Try asking them a simple question, like, say, "Is this the train to Walsall?" and you'll get a load of unwarranted abuse. "Yeah, obviously", they will remark with more attitude than a teenage girl fighting with her parents. Ever heard of customer service? Apparently not. The staff are truly rude to everyone, whether they're simply asking for assistance or just walking to their platform.

1. Explaining That Birmingham Is A Nice Place

WikipediaWikipediaBrummies shouldn't have to qualify where they come from, yet wherever they go they get questioned about Birmingham. "What's even in Birmingham?" or "Does the Custard factory make custard?" or "I heard everyone in Birmingham is a thief" or "I've just heard bad things about that place". Yes, thank you. For some reason everyone in the UK thinks that Birmingham is a horrible, dirty place. It's not. It is a fantastic, interesting, diverse city. It is a place where there is always something going on. But people just won't accept that, because they've heard it's a bad place. Explaining to people, who have more often than not never set foot in Birmingham, that it is actually a really nice city is the biggest problem a Brummie ever has to come up against. Just accept it, it's lovely, okay? Like this article? Agree or disagree? Let us know in the comments section below.

Journalism BA and Creative Writing MA grad fascinated with American TV, offbeat stories and music. Expect all of the thoughts from my brain to be spilt out in a timely manner.