20 Problems Only Crafty People Will Understand

10. Spending All Your Money At Craft Stores

Every payday, you repeat the same mantra, 'I will not spend all my money at the craft store'. You know how stupid it is, to be blowing every scrap of free money, or sometimes not-so-free money on something that isn't vital. You have bills to pay, food to buy, obligations to meet. You might even want to be considering a social life outside of your sewing circle or your online baking forum buddies. Then you wake up the next day, in the payday hangover, and find at least a third of it has gone on your materials and supplies. You decide to go and sacrifice eating anything that isn't ramen noodles or free at work because you just enjoy your craft too darn much.

9. Trying To Sell Your Stuff Online

Okay, there's a certain masochism inherent in putting yourself out there online - it can hurt, it can be painful, it can be humiliating. All of these apply both socially and professionally, the latter of which is extremely prevalent in people who decide to sell their craft online. Sure it seems like a nice enough venture but as the days start to trickle by and no one actually... buys anything, it can start to send you spiraling down into a bad mood. The worst thing of all is knowing that people have viewed your site, seen your hard work, and then moved on. Pass the box of tissues, please.

8. Getting Angry At How Easy TV Chefs Make It Look

No, Ina Garten, you delightfully blithe television chef, we do not all have time to go down to cute farmers' markets on the weekends to stock up on quinoa or fresh blueberries or whatever so we can spend the rest of the weekend cooking up all the healthy meals we're going to eat and stare at our colleagues' Big Mac with. TV chefs live in this perfect little bubble of life where time is endless, hours are leisurely, and nothing is more fun than a crack at a complicated dessert of some kind. That isn't bad in of itself, and it can actually provide a wonderful haven of escape, to a snowglobe world full of perfectly cooked food and clean surfaces and endless hours. However, when you're actually trying to be crafty and make these things yourselves, then the world of the TV chefs can seem to be a slap in the face to your less-than-perfect world, and make you feel inadequate in more ways than one.
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Leeds native, film fanatic, TV obsessive and relentless pop music fan. Sings off-key at any chance.