20 Problems Only Left Handed People Will Understand

1. Dying Younger Than Righties

If there's one thing that might compound the feeling of paranoia amongst left handed people that there is a conspiracy afoot from right handed people, it's the idea that left handed people generally die younger. Given the predominanice of right handed tools and other devices it's perhaps fair to say that left handed people are going to be more susceptible to accidents in the workplace, at the very least. The idea that lefties die younger was first proposed in a Victorian medical journal which studied the age of the deceased in relationship to their dominant hand. While some have questioned the study in the century since, it's only the increase in the number of left handed people that has led to a reevaluation of this claim. Still, left handed people dying young could be a small price to pay for being smarter and more creative than their right handed friends. Presumably the tiny minority of ambidextrous people out there are the ones having the last laugh, enjoying the best of both worlds. What aspects of being left handed really get on your nerves? Why not let us know in the comments below?
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