20 Problems Only People From Derby Will Understand

1. Explaining The Local Lingo To Outsiders... Me Duck

Of all the colloquialisms popular amongst the people of Derby perhaps none are as frequently used as "Ay up me duck" - it's the greeting of choice for many and has prompted more than a few strange looks when used on outsiders. It's so engrained in Derby's culture that beers are named after it, and the phrase went viral last year when Derby's own rising movie star Jack O'Connell was introduced by Angelina Jolie at the Hollywood Awards with that very greeting. The BBC highlighted the confusion, saying, "Some television viewers tweeted in delight while others did not understand why she was talking about a duck." Whether or not her Derby accent was any good only people from Derby can really say: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBrwRgdeYaE Any more Derby-isms to share? Head to the comments and let loose.
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