The legend goes that, not unlike Rome city of superior drainage systems Sheffield was built on seven hills. Living here, you're probably likely to dispute that accepted wisdom. There are way more than seven hills in Sheffield. In fact, it's almost impossible to travel anywhere within the city limits and find yourself on a totally even gradient the entire time. At its very worst, you'll be almost horizontal. The city is relatively cut off, geographically speaking, thanks to the ring of hills that surrounds it. But that's nothing compared to the isolation caused by the umpteen residents who can't be arsed going round to their friend's house because it's at the top of a hill. And there's no chance of you getting a bus up there. Really, though, the seven(ty) hills of Sheffield and the ensuing troubles isn't the real problem faced by people living in the city. It's finding trousers that fit after living here for more than a week. Almost no material alive can hope to contain those thighs of steel...
Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at