20 Problems Only People From Sheffield Will Understand

2. Everybody Expecting You To Like Hendo's

Not since the Klingon delicacy of grapok sauce from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine has there been a condiment so deeply entrenched within an insular culture, to the point that you'd think it replaced the blood in the veins of local residents. Henderson's Relish €“ or Hendo's for short €“ is a Sheffield delicacy, made in the city, available at every eating establishment without fail. Hendo's is delicious, obviously, but there's something insidious about the assumption that everybody likes it, and that it can garnish every meal, regardless of origin. Fish and chips? Hendo's. Spag bol? Chuck some Hendo's on it. Ever met a curry that Hendo's didn't go with? Of course not. The cult of Henderson's has its hooks in you. You can never escape. Woe betide you ever say anything negative about it, even.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/