20 Problems Only People In Their 30s Will Understand

10. Being Surrounded By Kids In Pubs And Clubs

Butterbeer 2 Gif When the thirtysomething does occasionally manage to drag themselves away from their comfortable couch and head into town on a Friday or Saturday night, they start to notice something odd about the trendy (there's that word again!) bars and nightclubs they used to frequent - it's full of underage people! Of course, most of them aren't, but by the time you're in your thirties young adults are looking so fresh faced in comparison to the one you looked at in the mirror before leaving the house that they might as well be babies, so much younger do they look as they stand on the dancefloor staring at their phones. If you're really unlucky one of them could be your friend's son or daughter. Or worse still, one of your very own sprogs all grown up.

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