20 Problems Only People In Their 30s Will Understand

6. ...And Realising Your Favourite Franchises Have Been Ruined By Remakes And Sequels

If looking back from your thirties at the childhood movies you loved the most is an exercise in nostalgia, then watching your favourite franchises ruined by the countless remakes and sequels is about as close to having those cherished memories shattered into a thousand pieces. Die Hard, Predator, Aliens, Indiana Jones, Robocop... the list of great movies which have had their legacy utterly sullied by the Hollywood hand of greed in the shape of toned down, CGI-laden and completely unnecessary sequels and remakes is endless. Not a single beloved franchise can be considered sacred, as more remakes continue to come out year after year. Younger readers should take note - by the time you hit your thirties you'll be watching remakes of the remakes you grew up with.

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