20 Problems Only People In Their 30s Will Understand

4. You Start To Miss Being IDed For Cigarettes And Alcohol

A somewhat misguided but nevertheless very real sign of entering adulthood is the ability to go into a shop and buy cigarettes and alcohol - being old enough to consume deadly substances is, after all, a long-running aspect of coming of age in the modern world. There is a time in life when forgetting to take out your ID and being refused service is more than a little frustrating - it's infuriating. Like being told you're still a kid when you know you're not, being IDed when you're in your early twenties is kind of an insult. When you hit your thirties it dawns on you that never again is a shopkeeper going to mistake you for a young person, and all of a sudden that perceived insult transforms into a glorious compliment you'll never hear again. Still, you can always regain that experience of being told you look younger than you actually are by simply telling people you meet that you're ten years older than you actually are.

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