20 Problems Only People In Their 30s Will Understand

13. Your Body Starts To Get Hairier In Unwanted Places (Or Balder In Wanted Places)

Hairy Nose Gif To a person in their thirties looking back at their twenties and often there's a keen sense of nostalgia for a decade of extended adolescence. It seems as if, for the most part, our twenties were simply an extension of our youth with the only real difference being we were free from the rule of our parents. Thirtysomethings start to experience a few harsh reminders that we all age sooner or later every time they look themselves in the mirror. Whether it's the increasingly receding hairlines, the man's ear and nasal hairy clumps or the emerging hairs on a woman's chin, hair in general starts to become a problem we never had to confront before. Time to invest in that grooming kit.

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