20 Problems Only People In Their 30s Will Understand

12. You've Been Out Of School For Longer Than You Were In School

At the age of sixteen when school is over and done with life can be said to truly begin. The world is now our oyster - or so the theory goes - to do with as we please. Seeking opportunities and new experiences for the first time feels like something we truly have control over. Once you hit your thirties it hits home that you've been out of school for longer than you were in school, and reflecting on your former sixteen-year-old self and the hopes and aspirations you had makes you realise just how much older you are. Whether or not this makes you feel good or bad ultimately depends on how much your life now matches up to those expectations. Still, with life beginning at forty there's plenty of time to make up for those wasted opportunities...

Andrew Dilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.