20 Problems Only People Who Work In A Department Store Will Understand

16. Health And Safety Videos

I Got Bored And Drifted Off Gif Health and safety videos are an incredibly tedious necessity, but everybody can admit they see importance of paying attention. Unfortunately, each scenario features at least one actor with career aspirations way beyond his ability. The nervous newcomer suddenly thinks he's Michael Cera, while the gruff security guard is definitely putting on his best Danny Dyer squint.

15. Team Bonding

Reservoir Dogs Whereas health and safety vids are a necessary evil, team bonding exercises really don't seem to serve a proper function. They don't achieve anything a work night down the pub wouldn't do twice as well. Doesn't everybody know the solution to that problem with the farmer taking his fox, chicken and seeds across the river by now? You don't really need to team up with Gary from menswear and Lisa from HR to solve it.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.