20 Problems Only People Who Work In A Department Store Will Understand

14. Jobsworths

Try not to get stuck working with these guys. They mean well, but they don't understand that a job can be fun as well as serious. They'll boss you around (even if they're not your boss) and stick rigidly to the rules even when common sense would prevail otherwise. Luckily you'll get your own back watching them struggle with social situations. Every cloud. It could be worse; you could be stuck on the same shift as...

13. Slackers

The opposite end of the spectrum, and just as irritating. They'll do all they can to avoid helping out, making the entire day a lot more tiresome. Most won't even talk and will barely move from the same position all day. You're not sure how they got out of bed, let alone into work on time. Well, roughly on time.
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Content Producer

Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.