20 Problems Only People Who Work In A Department Store Will Understand

4. The Uniform

Wave goodbye to your street cred. Department store employees have to appeal to pensioners and young families, which means the safest, most bland uniforms in existence. You and your colleagues make the lads at McDonalds look edgy, and they're forced to wear caps. Don't worry though, it'll only be embarrassing if somebody you know comes into the store. Which brings us to...

3. Your Friends Coming In During Your Shift

And they won't behave sensibly either. They will absolutely lose their minds at the fact they're seeing you at work. They'll suddenly revert to naughty 10 year olds, running round, asking you irritating questions, and generally mortifying you in front of your peers and superiors. That's not the worst part. The worst part is when they'll finish pestering you and run off to do something fun elsewhere, leaving you to cash up the till alone.
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Content Producer

Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.