20 Problems Only People Who Work In A Department Store Will Understand

6. Staff Announcements

Jennifer Lawrence Confused gif More often than not they're meant for higher-up employees than you - supervisors, managers and the like, but that doesn't prevent you from perking up to try and decipher the gibberish that comes through the speakers a few times a day. You're sure they taught you all manner of secret codes in training, but they've all slipped your mind. They could have just announced a bomb scare for all you know.

5. Being Suspicious Of Everybody Buying A Set Of Knives Or 18+ DVD

You're aware of how much trouble you'll get in if you sell a restricted item to a minor, so you find yourself narrowing your eyes at anybody without a full beard and zimmer frame. Admittedly the only booze you're selling are those fancy wine sets at Christmas time, but that doesn't stop kids trying to nab as many 18 rated DVDs as they can get their grubby little hands on. No, you're certainly not letting little Timmy buy Scary Movie 3 without seeing some ID - Trading Standards are probably hiding out in a van in the yellow parking zone.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.