20 Questions We've All Asked Ourselves (But Never Bothered To Find Out)

4. Why Does Your Hair Frizz When It's Humid?

Have you ever spent ages on your hair, getting it just right, combing it, gelling it, spraying it? Have you then stepped outside, ready to take on the day only for humidity to attack, making your lovely do to be a huge, unmanageable mess? Yeah, shout out to the people with thick hair, you know what we're talking about, uh huh. It's a right pain in the backside and we demand to know why it happens, don't we? Well, apparently it's because humidity is just water in the air in vapor form, which is why we'll most often experience it right after a warm yet rainy day. Our once perfect hair absorbs the water because water is in love with your hairs' dryness, but like most lovers, the water soon gets bored of your hair and gradually takes off, and leaves your hair a broken mess wondering what when wrong. Like most exes, the water is being very inconsiderate, because when it leaves your hair it breaks the hydrogen molecules within it, and when they break it causes the keratin that our hair is made of (yeah, that again) to loosen and stretch. This is why your hair loses shape, frizzes and becomes lonely and sad. Water, you've got some 'splaining to do. Finger snap.

3. Why Does Toast Always Land Butter Side Down?

We love toast, we're sure you love toast, who doesn't love toast? But you know what we hate? When we accidentally drop it and it falls on the floor butter side down, it always falls butter side down! Have you noticed this? Oh good, so it's not just us then. It's bloody annoying isn't it? It wouldn't be so bad it it landed the other way, but no, it's always the butter side. Why does it always fall this way? It's a question that has pained humans for generations, even the braniacs of The Big Bang Theory have lost sleep over this and were unable to find an answer. Well, What Culture is about to prove that we're far smarter than Sheldon Cooper because the answer is finally here. Scientists have finally studied the phenomenon and discovered that when we drop the toast it only has enough time to do a half somersault, and unless you're weird and eat it butter side down, you'll most likely be holding it butter up. It can actually fall butter side up, but you'd have to be sitting at table eight feet high and, unless you're a giant that would just be silly. Never the less, bazinga, we finally have an answer. Sheldon, you can thank us later.

Ian is a North Eastern lad who has written across a variety of mediums. An avid tea drinker with a custard cream addiction, Ian is the guardian of five foot tall inflatable penguin called Kevin.