20 Questions We've All Asked Ourselves (But Never Bothered To Find Out)

2. Why Does Our Stomach Rumble When We're Hungry?

It's happened to you, hasn't it? You forgot to eat in the morning, you're in a busy room, it goes quiet and then, out of nowhere, growl. It's probably the most embarrassing thing in the world, isn't it? It never seems to happen to anyone else, just you, right? Well, no, it happens to all of us. Our stomach is such an attention seeker when it's hungry, getting louder and louder until we satisfy its demands. Why do you do this, stomach? Just be patient, we'll look after you. It actually turns out that your stomach can rumble even when you're not hungry, and the sound doesn't actually come from your stomach at all. Instead it comes from a tube thing that goes from your mouth to your anus and is covered by a wall of muscle. When the walls move and squeeze whatever is in the tube down your body is when it makes that growling noise. But, you cry, our stomach is loudest when I'm hungry. We know, we checked that out, and apparently it's because when our stomachs are empty there's nothing in there to muffle the noise, thus why the whole room can hear it growling like the little diva that it is.. Hopefully that's met your appetite for knowledge. Although, we'd still recommend sticking to saying it's your stomach, telling everyone that the tube from your mouth to your butt is rumbling is just going to get you strange looks.

1. Why Do Men Have Nipples?

Men, what was the worst thing in the world when you were growing up? Yes, exactly, those horrible nipple twists you'd get in the changing rooms after PE. God they would hurt. Why did they do that? And more importantly, I know you're always asking, why do we even have those nipples to begin with? We know why women have them, that's obvious, so we decided to put your mind at ease and find out why men have them too ... and it appears there's no actual reason why they're still there. Damn. Apparently, we were all once females. Settle down, let us finish. For the first few weeks in the womb everyone develops as a female, from organs all the way to those annoying nipples, and it's not until weeks later when the hormones kick in and turn us into the manly men that we are ... but still with nipples. Those things, for some reason, despite having no use decide to just stick around, like that guy who always sits next to you on the bus when there's loads of free seats. You'd think that evolution and biology would do their jobs and get rid of them, but they said no. Sadly, nipple twists are here to stay. If you've got any other questions that we haven't covered, within reason, then why not leave a comment ... or ... you know, you could use google. Just saying.

Ian is a North Eastern lad who has written across a variety of mediums. An avid tea drinker with a custard cream addiction, Ian is the guardian of five foot tall inflatable penguin called Kevin.