20 Strangest Ways That People Have Died

1. Death By The Severed Head Of Your Enemy

Sigurd the Mighty of Orkney is evidence that karma really is a b*tch.

Sigurd Eysteinsson was a viking who invaded Scotland and became the first Earl of Orkney. In order to gain control of Northern Scotland, Sigurd had to fight the local warlord, Maelbrigte Tusk, with the company of 40 men each. Sigurd deceived him and brought 80 men to which the battle was won by the vikings. A bloodbath ensued and all of the Scots were decapitated and Sigur wanted a trophy, so naturally, he cut off Mael's head and tied it to his horse.

However, whilst riding his horse, the teeth of the dead man rubbed and scratched his leg which developed an infection and Sigurd was dead by the time he reached his destination. Karma really will bite you anywhere, even in the leg.

If you've heard of any more strange and wonderfully weird deaths, feel free to post them in the thread below.


Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com