20 Terrible Comic Book Halloween Costumes You Can Definitely Outdo

2. The X-Men

X Men1 Some of the details are pretty good, like Cyclop's suit, but together this band of happy cosplayers looks exactly like the Moopets looks to the Muppets: cheap, slightly wrong-headed versions of the originals that fail on the details - like the shoddy job someone has done colouring in Beast's face (in what appears to be normal ball-point ink) or the fact that Juggernaut looks more like a Teletubby than the hulking wretch he has been known to be in the comics. And then there's the fact that Gambit looks like one of the backing members of Duran Duran, or that Wolverine's claws look an awful lot like they've just been made out of foil.

1. Wolverine

Wolverine They say you should never meet your idols - like the Oedipal realisation that your father is not an all-conquering, infallible deity, the revelation that they are mere mortals (usually with a bad attitude inspired by years of pampering) can be devastating for your devotion to them. But what the above image rather unwittingly proves is that sometimes your heroes probably don't want to meet you either, because you might be a slightly creepy, portly guy in an anatomically incorrect Wolverine outfit who stands uncomfortably close to them in posed photographs. It all just screams "look what I did for you Stan!"
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