20 Things Only Bloggers Will Understand

2. Patiently Waiting For People To Finally Start Recognising You In The Street

Fans Spotted Gif Why has nobody approached you on a train and asked for their picture with you yet? Surely they can recognise you even without a filter? You have over 3,000 followers so you think now is this time to actually class yourself as being famous and it will be okay if you ask Twitter for a verification tick, right?

1. You Can Not Believe You Still Have To Go To Work

Amanda Bynes Kill Me Gif You promised yourself last year that your blog would be so internationally well-known there is absolutely no way you will stick around in your dead end job any longer. And yet here you still are working your regular 9-5. Everyone asks why you don't quit and dedicate yourself full-time to the bloggers life and you assure them that you just work for 'inspiration' and 'social research' but really you would be the poorest person in the world if you quit right now. Oh cruel, cold reality. Feeling the pressures of writing a popular blog? Help yourself feel better by having a good rant in the comments below...
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Regina Falange hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.