20 Things That Happen At Every Pre-Drinks

16. A Latecomer Will Ring The Host Halfway Through

"Alright mate? What are we doing for pre-drinks?" is something of a catchphrase amongst 18-25 year olds these days. You'll strain to hear their distorted voice coming through your phone speakers, gale-force winds whistling and howling in the background. Where on earth are they, Moscow!? To make life more difficult, your attempt to give instructions will be drowned out by everyone in the room demanding to know who's on the other end. You'll tell them and they'll all scream hello. It won't help.

15. A Popular Latecomer Will Enter To Cheers

And their less popular friend will come in behind them to decidedly less enthusiasm.
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Content Producer

Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.