20 Things That Happen At Every Pre-Drinks

10. DJ Incompetent

Nobody is quite sure how the worst DJ in the room always ends up nearest the sound system, but it'll happen without fail. They come in three flavours: forgetful, ambitious, and generally dreadful. If you're worried that YOU might be DJ Incompetent among your friends, follow these three rules and you'll be fine. Nobody wants to hear 'We Found Love' for the fifth time, don't try to beatmix (you're not Deadmau5), and never, ever resort to a song from the Frozen soundtrack. You'll be slated, and rightly so.

9. "We Like To Drink With , 'Coz Is Our Mate"

"And when we drink with , they see it down in eight! Seven! Six! Five! Foooouuuuur. Threeeeeee. Twoooooo. One and a haaaaaalf...one and a quaaarter" It's never a good sign when you need to rely on fractions to help you out. Either grit your teeth and power through, or admit defeat and sip the rest of your beverage in shame. Just be prepared for a rousing rendition of "No one likes you, no one likes you! Hey hey hey, you're a..."
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Content Producer
Content Producer

Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.