20 Things That Happen At Every Pre-Drinks

12. The Friend Of A Friend Will Gain Celebrity Status

Uh oh. Your best mate's actual best mate has come. The one they went to school with. And the room will absolutely love them, because they're a stranger and strangers are exciting. Everyone will marvel at their slightly different accent and share humiliating stories about the mutual friend while you sit in the corner seething. They'll end up pulling. They always end up pulling.

11. The Rule Nazi

Remember that drinking game? Seems a while ago doesn't it? Not to this person. They're still clinging desperately to some semblance of the rules, dishing out punishments left right and centre as everybody else tries to have a good time. Try to shut them down quickly. You don't want to spend the night worrying about using only middle names and keeping your glass more than a thumb's length from the edge of the table.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.