20 Things Hipsters Have Ruined For Everyone

12. Nutella

TumblrTumblrThe way hipsters have ruined Nutella is criminal. Otherwise known as ambrosia and the nectar of the gods, Nutella deserves to be lauded and consumed by all and world peace would then surely reign. But thanks to hipsters, if you were to mention such a completely correct and valid opinion, people who have never experienced the magic of Nutella will most likely write you off as a white hipster who likes weird foreign foods.

11. Hats

CBSCBSWhether it's a beanie, a newsboy hat, a fedora, or whatever in God's name was on Pharrell's head, hipsters have made anyone wearing hats suspect. It'd be one thing if hipsters had brought back the amazing giant hats of yore so that every day looked like an English wedding, but instead we get Justin Bieber with his hat pulled so low you can't even see the insanity in his eyes. The human race apologises, hats.

10. Tattoos

The GlossThe GlossCan you REALLY be called a hipster if you don't have some Mumford and Sons lyrics or lines/stars/geometric shapes tattooed on your body? Maybe a Mumford and Sons song changed your life and it's you and your spouse's special song, and the one you played the day your first child was born - but no one will care. They'll take one look and think "HIPSTER."

9. Weddings

MoustachetvMoustachetvThe groom will have facial hair and will not be wearing a suit. The bride will wear a dress that looks like it belonged to her grandmother and will not wear shoes. It will probably be outside in a friend's backyard, and there will be Mason jar EVERYTHING. You'll drink out of a Mason jar and eat by the light of candle-filled Mason jars. Your dinner will probably be served in a Mason jar, and the bride and groom will ride off into the sunset on a giant Mason jar.
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Sara Rowe. 22 year old writer and blogger from Oklahoma. Graduated with my Bachelor's in English and a minor in Spanish. Love cats, soccer, reading, writing, and fashion. My life is rich in embarrassments but still an embarrassment of riches.