4. Vintage Or Thrift Stores
Ryan Lewis YoutubeRemember how embarrassing it was when your mother would make you wear clothes bought secondhand that always smelled vaguely musty no matter how many times you washed them? For hipsters, that is now the epitome of style. You, on the other hand, may just like a good bargain - but you will be judged regardless.
3. Big Glasses
NBCThe best part is when hipsters don't even need glasses, and they just wear giant frames with plastic lenses, mocking those of us who really must examine the world as an out-of-focus blur.
2. Facial Hair
SenorGif.comThey will have it. It will be enormous. And most likely, you'll see birds fly out of it at some point and then find out that they store their car keys and credit card in there too.
1. Irony
BravoOnce the noblest of literary devices, hipsters have adopted irony as their creed and treat all of life as an ironic joke, with everything they do motivated by the desire to be ironic. Which is the most ironic thing of all, because half the time they misuse the word in the first place.
Did we miss something? Did we get something wrong? Let us know in the comments what hipsters have ruined for you!