20 Things Hipsters Have Ruined For Everyone

8. Cycling

.Kees ThiesTrying to go for a casual ride is now a dangerous prospect, as you have to try and avoid being run down by the hordes of hipsters on vintage bicycles, complete with baskets filled with the bottles of moustache wax they just purchased.

7. Coffee

Warner Bros.Warner Bros.Legend has it that if you stand outside a Starbucks at night, you can hear the cries of baby hipsters as they spring fully formed from the espresso machines, already arguing about fair trade and organic coffee.

6. Music

Nickelodeon Nickelodeon You know the drill: "What are you listening to?" "Oh, it's a new band that's not very big yet. You've probably never heard of them. They're like Mumford and Sons, except they're not popular sellouts."

5. Organic Food

BBCBBCVegetarians, vegans, gluten free, non-GMO, organic... how do you even keep up with it all anymore? Now you have to eat your cheap, crappy McDonald's burger in secret if you don't want to be ambushed by someone telling you all the different ways it will kill you and all the different ways you're ruining the world by doing so.
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Sara Rowe. 22 year old writer and blogger from Oklahoma. Graduated with my Bachelor's in English and a minor in Spanish. Love cats, soccer, reading, writing, and fashion. My life is rich in embarrassments but still an embarrassment of riches.