20 Things Only Londoners Will Understand

12. Everything Gets A New Name

It doesn€™t matter much these days what a building gets called €“ Londoners will instantly forget that and call it by the shape. So 30 St Mary Axe becomes the Gherkin, the Leadenhall Building is known as the Cheesegrater and 20 Fenchurch Street becomes the Walkie Talkie. At one point there was going to be a building named the London Bridge Tower, but even the developers realised that once it started to be called the Shard they might as well change the name. Frankly though, if Londoners have decided to nickname your building then it€™s onto a good thing. The Gherkin is odd looking, but as 30 St Mary Axe it was never going to enter the list of buildings often photoshopped into London skylines to impress tourists. The same goes with the Walkie Talkie €“ although it probably would have become memorable anyway after the reflections from it partially melted a car last year.

11. Dubious London Airports

London City €“ no problem. London Heathrow €“ sure. London Gatwick €“ okay, you€™re in Sussex€ that€™s kinda pushing it a bit. London Stansted€ well if we€™re letting Gatwick into the club then the Essex based airport can get past the velvet rope too. London Luton€ Pardon? London Luton airport is nearly 34 miles north of London €“ which naturally means that it€™s in €œthe North€. But there€™s a forgotten airport that is even worse €“ London Southend - located nearly 42 miles east of London. Since when have either Luton or Southend ever been classed as being in London?! Southend is a seaside resort. That should be a clue as to how far away it is from London. At least Boris€™ daft floating airport in the Thames will be on the Thames.

10. House Prices

Housing prices are just extraordinary in London. To put into context, in February this year two parking spaces near the Royal Albert Hall sold for £400,000 €“ two and a half times the national average for a house price. The craziness doesn€™t stop there. A flat measuring 10ft 4in by 8ft 4in was up for sale for £90,000 €“ and received an offer of £120,000. Just nuts €“ especially when you realise that some of the flats in the same block were converted from storage cupboards. That€™s right €“ there are people paying to live in a cupboard simply because it€™s near Harrods. No wonder glamping is catching on.
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I'm a pop culture addict. Television, cinema, comics, games - you name it, and I've done it. Or at least read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia.