20 Things Only People From Merseyside Will Understand

14. ... And We Abbreviate Everything

Scouse Scal = Scally = Scallywag; La = Lad; Ma = Mother; Tockie = Toxteth; Crockie = Croxteth, etc.Scousers love to abbreviate things. I genuinely once heard one shorten the acronym KFC to €œKF€ without skipping a beat. We€™ll even abbreviate a word to another word that€™s basically the same length as the first word €“ so instead of trainers, you get trainees; instead of boxers, you get boxies. But keep up, the lingo is getting shorter with every generation. For example, did you know that the word trainees was recently shortened to "Trabs"?
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.