20 Things That Are Gone But Not Forgotten From Walt Disney World

11. Cheeseburger Egg Rolls

Over the years fan favourite food items at Walt Disney World have come and gone.

Jiko no longer serve mac and cheese with their steak and the closure of the Starring Rolls Cafe meant the end for the Butterfinger Cupcake.

One of the most recent snack casualties is the Cheeseburger Egg Rolls. These used to be served at the Egg Roll Cart in Adventureland. The Cheeseburger Egg Rolls vanished earlier this year.

The snack was also available from Animal Kingdom, but now too is no longer available. So for those who want a burger-like snack the best offering is the Cheeseburger Steamed Pod at Sat'uli Canteen in Pandora: World of Avatar.

10. Little Red

Elephant Animal Kingdom Kilimanjaro Safari

Animal Kingdom's Kilimanjaro Safari lost one of his residents in 2012, a baby elephant named Little Red.

Don't worry, Little Red wasn't a real baby elephant, he was animatronic. In an attempt to raise awareness of poaching, a plot was built into the safari where your tour guide would receive a radio transmission that a baby elephant named Little Red had been caught by poachers. Your truck would then race along the bumpy roads to try and intercept the poachers. Naturally you would help stop them, and as you passed the poachers abandoned trucks, you would see Little Red in the back.

When the storyline was removed, so was Little Red. There are still elephants on the safari and you might be lucky enough to catch sight of a baby, but it won't be Little Red.


Jen Gallie hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.