20 Things You'll Worry About Obsessively In Your Twenties
Oh, the hate for everything? Yeah, we feel it too.
GiphySo, you were lied to. Someone, somewhere along the line, told you a big fat lie about youth. And you, in all your naive innocence, you just lapped it up, didn't you? They told you that your twenties would be the best time of your life. That you'd have it all figured out by now and that you'd finally feel complete. They told you that your twenties would be a whirlwind ride of nights out, parties, coffee and friends. They told you that the best was yet to come. That your teenage years were just the starter, but your twenties are the main course. Believing all this you rushed through childhood and teenage-hood, straight on to what you thought would be the main event. You anticipated the sophisticated parties, dinner at friends' houses and art gallery visits. You knew that you'd be thinner, prettier and happy when you hit the big two-oh. Well, don't you feel stupid now. Now that your twenties have well and truly hit you and you are feeling like an unwashed, unstable and underrated mess. The truth is, your twenties really suck. There's no better way to put it, this is the period of your life when you'll be constantly worried, stressed and confused. Enjoy it, it comes but once every lifetime. During this joyous time a number of worries will plague you... here are just 20 of them.