20 Things You'll Worry About Obsessively In Your Twenties

18. "Am I Pregnant?"

tumblrtumblrThis probably only applies to girls, but guys probably have just as much stress about getting a girl pregnant. Literally ever month in the lead up to your period (or your girlfriend's period if you're a guy) you will be convinced that you are pregnant. You will be so sure of it that you'll start practicing the speech you're going to give your parents when you break the news. Every time you see a baby in the street you'll want to cry, knowing, for sure that that is what your life has come to. "But I can barely look after myself, how on earth am I going to look after a baby?", will go through your head constantly and every time you get a slight stomach ache, you'll pray it's your period. The good news? You probably won't be pregnant anyway and we all worry about this one all of the time, so you are not alone. No stress... until next month.

17. "Am I Still Attractive?"

tumblrtumblrSo, you've gone through puberty and all your spots have forever disappeared. Your hair's somehow sorted itself out and you've really grown into your features. You'll have a few good years of bliss, where you are really attractive and you just know it. Then, suddenly, your twenties come along bringing with them all that appearance anxiety you thought you'd left behind. You actually notice yourself starting to look old, as if that's possible. One morning you'll wake up and see a grey hair or, if you're a man, a bit of your hair will be missing. This is just the start. Things are going to get much worse. Much scarier and much worse. But hey, hold on to the end of your youth, it's fast slipping away.
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Journalism BA and Creative Writing MA grad fascinated with American TV, offbeat stories and music. Expect all of the thoughts from my brain to be spilt out in a timely manner.