20 Things You'll Worry About Obsessively In Your Twenties

6. "What Career Do I PIck?"

I Love My Job20th Century FoxIt's one thing knowing what you want to do for a job, it's an entirely other thing not knowing. If you know then you can spend your time chasing your dream career. If you don't you have to spend your time working out what that career should be. The truth is every time you get a knock to your confidence or a job rejection you will believe, wholeheartedly that you are pursuing the wrong career. It's simply not true though. Everyone has knocks, as this is unfortunately reality. Just know that your twenties are the right time to be working jobs and relationships out. Despite what you think you can change your path whenever you want to, so give it your all and never give up.

5. "Am I Good In Bed?"

Sex Gif20th Century FoxSo you're no longer worrying about losing your virginity or having your first kiss. No, now you have a much deeper, worse worry. Now you've had a few years to master your technique, you find yourself worrying whether you're actually any good. Because no one comes right out and tells you you're bad, do they? Is that something people do? Probably not. Everyone worries that they are bad in bed. It's a natural worry, but one you can never, ever ask your partner about. It's just not etiquette. So you're going to have to keep on wondering.... It does not get any easier. Awkward.
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Journalism BA and Creative Writing MA grad fascinated with American TV, offbeat stories and music. Expect all of the thoughts from my brain to be spilt out in a timely manner.