20 Things You'll Worry About Obsessively In Your Twenties

8. "Why Am I So Poor?"

tumblrtumblrPeople warned you that studenthood would be a poor time in your life. You accepted that on the agreement that once you were a fully qualified adult, you'd be rewarded, right? Wrong. Your twenties will be poorer than your student years and worse because you didn't bargain for it. If you have any chance of getting a job you actually want, rather than just any old job, then you're probably going to need an awful lot of experience. In simple terms that translates to you working for peanuts and praying that one day you'll get the job of your dreams. Who knows if this is worth it in the longrun? At least holding out for the dream is better than resigning yourself to a life of call centre hell. (Although I do hear they pay well).

7. "Is Everyone Doing Better Than Me?"

CBSCBSThis time in your life also invites new levels of competitiveness into your world. Before it was fine, you were all in education and not too much was expected of you. All of a sudden you're out there in the working world going up against each other for the few good jobs that exist. LinkedIn will become your personal hell if you let it. Sending you email reminders to congratulate someone on their new, fantastic, all singing, all dancing role, is just plain annoying. Again, while it may seem that everyone is doing better than you and that they've got their dream job already, it's simply not the case. Enjoy the things you have. Maybe you're more secure in your relationship, chasing after a different dream or simply have a different plan. Regardless, know that you don't know their world and they don't know yours. Try not to compare lives.
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Journalism BA and Creative Writing MA grad fascinated with American TV, offbeat stories and music. Expect all of the thoughts from my brain to be spilt out in a timely manner.